Oligopoly Market

Price War in Oligopoly Market

Oligopoly is an imperfectly competitive market form, where there are few sellers and a large number of buyers, and the product may be homogeneous or differentiated. Since there are few sellers, so there arises Conscious Rivalry among the firms. That is, if a firm takes any action or strategy, then it influences the act or strategy of its rival firm. This mutual interdependence leads to strategic interactions between the firms.

     When the firm’s strategies on their own without cooperating with its rival firms, or without any explicit or implicit agreement, then this leads to non-collusive oligopoly, producing ‘price wars’ among each other.

Case I: When the conjectural variation is zero, i.e., when a firm changes its price, it considers the price of the rival firm remains unchanged. Here, the firms’ objective is to maximize profit. The profit functions can be written in a duopoly case as,

                 Π1 = Π1(P1,P2)  and Π2 = Π2(P1,P2

Suppose the first firm assumes P2 as constant and selects P1 in such a manner that its profit maximizes. In this way, we get different combinations of P1 and P2, which gives the price reaction curves of the firms R1 and R2.

If the first seller’s price is P1, then firm two assumes that firm one will maintain P1 price, and so to maximize its profit, he chooses P2. Again, corresponding to P2, the first seller fixes his price level at P1‘, to maximize his profit. In response to this, the second seller fixes his price at P2‘ and thus, we see that with the advent of time, the price level approaches the equilibrium value E at P1* and P2*.

Case II: When conjectural variation is non zero, there arises the problem of price leadership. Naturally, the leader gets some advantage, as it sophisticatedly incorporates its rival’s reaction function and accordingly maximizes his profit. In this process of becoming price leaders, both the firms end up earning lesser profit. Because each of them is stuck to the assumption that other’s behavior is governed by his reaction function, but in fact, neither of the reaction function is obeyed. As a result, both the sellers lose in this non-cooperative strategy, and a price war is inevitable. 

        The fact that the leader gains and the follower lose has the possibility that both the sellers will aspire to be leaders. If this happens, we get disequilibrium where both the sellers land into much worse positions. Considering the following pay-off matrix, the strategy ‘Leader’ is the dominant strategy for both the sellers, but as a result, they are worse off than the (Follower, Follower) strategy.

1st Sellers’ Strategy2nd Seller’s Strategy

This act of price leadership, leading to a price war, ends when one of the firms surrenders and agrees to act as a follower, or a collusive agreement is reached with both the firms.

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Assignment Solution Tips

Quick tips to solve Assignments

“You failed in your previous assignment!”

This kind of statements often haunts us with several questions like:

How to improve my assignment? How to approach? What to write? Etc.

So, numerous websites or articles will answer your questions. Most of the tips you can find are just some trivial statements that are of no use in real life. Solving any assignment is very time consuming, and Students can use this saved time for exam preparation, extracurricular activities, etc. If a student doesn’t have much time for his/her assignment, then we will provide you with some excellent and feasible tips to solve your Assignment in very less time.

  1. Read the question carefully and gather information.

It is an essential part of questions that are often very tricky and tends to confuse the student. Reading some other theoretical concepts related to your assignment makes your base durable and helps to solve quickly.

2. Check the deadline

Stick posts in your calendar or use any app that can add a “countdown” to your phone. Plan your schedule, and don’t wait for the last moment.

3. Ask For help if you need

Don’t shy to ask your tutor for any doubts or consult any discussion forum. It’s better to clarify it at the start than to re-write in the last few days.

4. Deal the questions smartly.

You don’t need to solve the questions in the given sequence. First, try to solve the easier ones, and in the end, you will gain the confidence to solve the tougher ones.

5. Divide the assignment into manageable chunks

If it’s a considerable assignment, then don’t try to solve the whole assignment at once. First, read all the questions at a glance and then read-only those topics to answer your questions. You can also study a small part and then solve only those questions related to that part and repeat this approach until you answer all the questions. These tactics will help to remember the concepts and channelize them most appropriately.

6. Don’t memorize 

It has often been noticed that the students tend to memorize the terms and formulae without adequately understanding the fundamental concepts. Thus, when the time comes for an analytical solution, they are unable to solve the questions. So you should always spend time on one topic first before jumping on to the next one.

7. Don’t beat around the bush.

Teachers always expect to the point answers. If You don’t know something, then it’s useless to make voluminous answers with unnecessary stuff. “To the point,” the answer will help you get good marks and help you solve quicker.

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